Madison Zhao

Art and Neuroscience Majors | Medical Humanities Minor | Duncan College

Presently, I am pursuing majors in Neuroscience to understand the physiology of psychological diseases, Visual Arts to explore humanistic means of expression, and a minor in the Medical Humanities to develop projects to marry the two. My future career goals are focused on incorporating the humanities into our medical education to promote the diffusion of knowledge about the cultural and social histories of medicine as well as creating a medium for physicians and patients to explore ideas of mental health and illness.

My education has been a journey to develop my technical skills in visual art and apply it to the realm of medical education and practice. Currently, I am leading an organization that creates murals for local hospitals, conducting research to understand how depression manifests, and pursuing creative projects to promote health literacy in historically marginalized populations. Though lofty, I hope to work as a clinician who advance care for patients with psychiatric illnesses using art to establish a therapeutic alliance, as a medical educator promoting greater awareness of medical history to create more well-rounded physicians, and as a public policy advocate using literary and artistic media to increase representation of subaltern groups in socio political discussions of health.

Research Interests: Neuroaesthetics, neuroethics, vision systems, mood disorders, history of western and non-western medicine