Humanities Cross-listed Courses

The School of Humanities Deans’ Office is allowing new cross-listed courses into the curriculum. Please review the information below before requesting new cross-listed courses. As this is a two-year trial period, the Deans’ Office will review the results of the new cross-listings in Spring, 2026 prior to the 2026-27 Academic Year and may revise the items below.

  1. Cross-listings in the School of Humanities will resume with the 2024-25 Academic Year schedule.
  2. The cross-listings must be meaningful with a pedagogical justification for the proposal.
  3. New cross-listings should be limited to two courses/units/subjects.
  4. Cross-listings where a graduate/undergraduate equivalency is included are not eligible.
  5. Cross-listings where one of the courses is outside of Humanities will be reviewed by the Humanities academic deans prior to going before the School’s Course Review Committee (SCRC).
  6. The new budget model will be taken into consideration when approving new inter-school cross-listings.
  7. If, after the two-year trial, cross-listings are continued, new cross-listed courses will be reviewed every three years, with the chair/director of each unit agreeing to keep/inactivate the courses.
  8. When cross-listings (existing or new) are added to the schedule in CLSS, the dean’s office will obtain the chair’s/director’s approval before the dean’s office final approval is applied.
  9. As a reminder, new course proposals and course change proposals need approvals from the DUS, Chair, and Dean’s Office representing each unit of a cross-listing.

Revised: January 31, 2024