Upcoming Events

Kazimi Lecture in Shi'i Studies

Making History in Mourning: Resistance, Resilience and Risks of Karbala Collective

Making History in Mourning: Resistance, Resilience and Risks of Karbala Collective | April 14 | 6:30 PM | O'Connor Building for Engineering & Science, Rm. 510

Professor Syed Akbar Hyder; Director of South Asia Institute; Associate Professor, Asian Studies and Islamic Studies; The University of Texas at Austin

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Humanities Days

Humanities Day

April 14-15 | Farnsworth Pavilion & Grand Hall | Rice Memorial Center

The School of Humanities is proud to announce and invite you to Humanities Days, an annual showcase and celebration of our undergraduates’ intellectual curiosity and creative expression. This event will highlight the critically innovative and vibrant work our students are known for on a platform conceived to connect and share this work with the larger Rice community.

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