School of Humanities
Coronavirus COVID-19 Updates

School of HumaniteisA MESSAGE FROM


This page is a resource for School of Humanities faculty, staff, undergraduate students, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. It is intended to supplement the Coronavirus COVID-19 updates that you are receiving from the Rice Crisis Management team and university administration. Please continue to check Rice's COVID-19 website,, for the latest information on the coronavirus situation. The information provided below is subject to change as the rapidly evolving crisis requires the university to refine its response activities.

My team and I in the Dean’s Office are working to keep our Humanities community updated via these email messages and through regular Zoom, Slack and conference call meetings and correspondence. If you need assistance or have any questions or concerns during these unprecedented times, please email us at and we will follow up with you.

We are grateful for all your support and wish each of you and your families good health.

Best wishes,

Kathleen Canning
Dean, School of Humanities
Andrew W. Mellon Professor of History